About Us

We are UK registered company with office in Invergordon who deals with all kinds of consumer electronics and tech. Our company was established in Poland in 2014 called BTC – Brothers Trade Company. Since then, we have forged many corporate relationships with leading companies from all over the world. We specialize in the sale of consumer electronics and home appliances. We offer products that have been refurbished and consumer returns. We offer products on a wholesale basis to companies ensuring that the goods we offer are of the highest quality. Our aim is to make every customer feel valued no matter how big or small. Thus, ensuring a long and lasting customer relationship that is based on honesty, reliability and trust. We are constantly striving to improve our customer service. After many successful years in business, we decided to expand to UK market in 2020 as Recommerce Trading Ltd. Our aim is to find new business partners and new markets. We are the partners of Samsung customer returns department and many more industry leading companies in UK and Europe. Our main warehouse and service is in Poland about 160 miles from Berlin. We are in process of opening new warehouse in UK .

 We mainly buy and sell the following items which includes wide range of products like Smartphones, Computers, TV’s, Home appliances:

*Post-exhibition goods

 *Shop returns made by consumers

 *Post-leasing equipment

*End of line stock

 *Surplus warehouse stock

 *Goods withdrawn from distribution

 *Refurbished goods

 Every month we have many new offers for our customers and partners giving them opportunity to boost their businesses and help to expand on the market. I strongly believe that we can start great partnership and business together.

Recommerce Trading Limited Incorporated and registered in England and Wales with Company No: 13606328

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